
This image was reprinted with
permission from the Domestic Abuse
Project, Minneapolis, MN (612) 874-7063. |
Scott Martin, |
News & Features |
Ask any San Francisco police
officer what is the number one crime they are called upon
to remediate and one might expect the response to be
murder, rape, robbery, or arson. Think again.
"Domestic violence is the number one call they
get," said victims advocate, Ken Theisen. Last
year, there were nearly 10,000 calls for domestic
violence in San Francisco. And forty-percent of those
calls were weapons-related calls. |
dogged criticism of inadequate response to this epidemic,
the San Francisco Police Commission in 1995 approved a
specialized police domestic violence unit consisting of
six officers who handle only domestic violence cases.
Since its creation, domestic violence offenses recorded
by the police department have nearly doubled. In 1990,
there were 1,829 offenses reported. In 1996, there were
3,359 reports. In response to the increased demand for
responding to and following up on these crimes, the
domestic violence unit, overrun with cases, increased its
size from six to 20 investigators within a year. |
Today, the
domestic violence unit follows up on every call for
domestic violence in San Francisco after a regular patrol
report. Some of the improvements mean life and death
differences in the way officers intervene in lethal
situations. |
Police now
remove guns for 72 hours from homes where domestic
violence is reported. They also have quicker access to
emergency protective orders which are temporary
restraining orders that a police officer can get at the
scene of a crime by calling a judge. The order lasts 5-7
days. |
issued only three restraining orders out of 9,286 calls
for domestic violence in 1992. Officers now issue over
1,800 a year because they have been trained on how to
easily obtain them. Theisen, who was involved in the
protective order training, said, "Police have been
outstanding, once they got the training."
addition, the domestic violence unit benefits from
outreach work done by domestic violence services
provider, Woman Inc. Woman Inc. started a program where
outreach workers go out with the domestic violence
officers to give referrals to victims. "We provide
crisis support services to victims of domestic violence
at the scene of the crime," said outreach worker,
Roslyn Sledge. "We provide a shelter or emergency
housing when shelter is not available." |
Sledge explained they
get paged by different police stations throughout the
city. There are two outreach workers who go out with
inspectors from the domestic violence unit to follow up
the regular patrols reports. She said they manage
to cover all the calls. "The inspectors that we work
with are excellent," she stated. "Theyre
very good with victims." |
But the San
Francisco Police Department has more work ahead. Despite drastic improvements,
domestic violence unit Inspector Dolores Casazza feels
that the unit is outgrowing its current office. She said
that the unit also needs more Polaroid cameras to better
document victims wounds. "We need more space
and more personnel." |
Greg Merrill, Director
of Community United Against Violence, a service provider
for victims of gay and lesbian domestic violence, stated
that the new units are helpful. "I think that the
police investigators in the newly-created domestic
violence investigations unit are phenomenal. Ive
had nothing but positive experiences with them,"
Merrill said. |
he blasted regular patrol officers. "I do
need to say that there is a huge problem with the
responding officers," Merrill added.
"The regular patrols are horrendous in
same-sex battering cases. They rarely make an
arrest, especially if its a woman-woman
situation.I think that officers dont think
that one woman can harm another. They frequently
arrest both parties and sometimes they arrest the
wrong person." |
Beat officers, he
said, have a very difficult time assessing and
intervening appropriately in same-sex domestic violence
calls. "Its a huge training issue at the
police department that they need some assistance with.
There needs to be comprehensive and wide-spread training
on how to identify the primary aggressor in same-sex
situations, absolutely," Merrill said. |
The District
Attorneys Office is working to educate officers on
same-sex battering to identify batterers from victims. Crystal
Weston, a victims advocate who works for the
District Attorneys Family Violence Project, stated that they are working
on a program to teach primary aggressor training to
officers. District Attorney Terrence Hallinan, she said,
is responsible for these and other drastic changes in the
DAs office. "He said he was going to make it
his number-one priority and hes done it." |

Assistant District
Attorney, Susan Breall, added that its a city-wide
cooperative effort. "Its not just whatever the
police department is doing. Its really the combined
efforts of the San Francisco Neighborhood Legal
Assistance Foundation, the Domestic Violence Consortium,
the DAs office, and the police," Breall said. |

The District
Attorneys Office has set up a separate unit for
domestic violence cases. They now have individual
assistant district attorneys assigned to follow cases
from start to finish. In the past, many different
assistant district attorneys would handle a case. This
year Hallinan hired four new attorneys to add to the
domestic violence unit. The new attorneys are trained for
domestic violence prosecutions. Results are in.
"Prosecutions have doubled," said Breall. |
The DAs office
has hired more victims advocates at the Family
Violence Project. Advocates there help victims make it to
court to testify. The Adult Probation Department has also
put together a specialized unit that consists of seven
case workers who handle only domestic violence cases.
"Cases are much more carefully supervised,"
project spokesperson Barbara Brooten stated. Previously,
case workers would have all different types of cases.
Probation officers make certain that the offender is
going to batterers treatment. Mandatory
batterers treatment is required for a year for
those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence charges.
"If anybody violates their probation, we take them
right back to court," Brooten said. |
City officials cite
the 1990 murder of Veena Charan as the watershed domestic
violence case in San Francisco. She was shot down in
front of her son while she dropped him off at an
elementary school in the Excelsior District. Her husband,
Joseph Charan, shot her and then killed himself. |
The Commission on the
Status of Women studied the Charan case in 1991. They
reported that the city needed to fill gaps in city
services for domestic violence. The report recommended
changes in San Franciscos Police Department,
District Attorneys Office, Adult Probation Department and
Criminal and Civil Courts. |
The Charan report
findings concluded that had the investigator assigned to
the Charan case looked at the pattern of violence
committed by Joseph Charan, and presented the case to the
District Attorneys Office, they might have taken
stronger action to prevent Charan from continuing the
escalation of violence that led to murdering his wife. |
By 1990, Veena Charan
had contacted six agencies to stop the violence that her
husband had inflicted. Some of those agencies were
reported to have known that Charan owned a gun and had
threatened to kill her. Charan had been convicted on a
misdemeanor charge of domestic violence, which today by
federal law, prohibits gun ownership. |
The Charan report
concluded that the city had failed to protect Veena
Charan and that her case and others like it could be
prevented in the future if changes were made. The report
recommended 107 changes to the citys services.
Currently, it is estimated that about 40 changes have
been implemented. |
San Diegos
Police Department has influenced the SFPD. In San Diego
the domestic violence unit has reported a decrease in the
number of domestic violence related homicides. Their
police department set up a specialized domestic violence
unit consisting of 19 officers who take only domestic
violence calls. Since the unit began in 1992, domestic
violence homicides have declined by 50 percent. San
Francisco city officials hope to get similar results. |
In 1986, before the
San Diego Police set up their domestic violence unit,
they and other departments were admittedly lax. Most
incidents of domestic violence were minimized. Victims
had very little hope of protection by the police or of
improving their situation. Since batterers were seldom
prosecuted, individual police officers shunned
involvement in domestic violence cases. |
The new units are now
better able to report incidents. Since 1992, the number
of reports for domestic violence has increased 60 percent
in San Diego. |
Victims need shelter,
but funding is scarce. At the battered womens
shelter, La Casa de las Madres, the turn-away rate is
four out of five. They received federal funds in the last
two years and have added 30 more beds. Even so, Director,
Nina Yusaf, said that the shelter is always full. |
"Were still
spending more money on animal shelters than battered
womens shelters," Theisen said. San Francisco
Neighborhood Legal Assistance, a federally-funded legal
office to help victims, was cut 57 percent last year by
Congress. "The reality is that we have managed to
keep our services for domestic violence open, but how
long we can do that is the question," Theisen
continued. |
When La Casa recently
took in "Jeannie," a long-term abuse victim,
she needed something to change her life. They did. La
Casa put her in a private room with her child for nearly
three months. "You have food, you have peace of
mind, youre surrounded by people who are in the
same boat as you, so you dont feel like youre
the only one," Jeannie said. |
Everyone else, she
added, had failed her. She was at the point where she
could have fallen back into the abusive relationship
cycle. They recognized that and snatched her out of
danger. "When I look back, I think that they took me
in there for fear that I would go back," Jeannie
said. "La Casa saved my life." |
"People tell you
that you need a man, and I was basically trying to
provide a man and he was the worst influence that I could
have ever had on my son," Jeannie said. "My son
doesnt even live with me now. He runs away,
hes in a group home, hes messed up." |
Money is also scarce
for batterers counseling. "The reality is most
guys, if they do get jail time, do not get
counseling," Theisen said. Antonio Ramirez, who
works for Man Alive, a privately-funded treatment center,
explained that treatment is paid for by the batterers.
They do not compete for the small pools of federal money
that are available to service providers, he said. Instead
they have agreed to let the battered womens
shelters take the money because their funding is more
immediately crucial to saving lives. "We are
committed to non-competitive funding, which makes it very
hard for us because theres not a lot of money out
there already for domestic violence," Ramirez said. |
Ramirez stated that
mandatory batterers treatment works well. "It
is a very clear message that society, as a whole, is not
going to tolerate that kind of behavior." Ramirez
added he would like to see a greater focus on education
for domestic violence. "We believe that this a
cultural issue. Society has created this culture of
masculinity, so we need to undo that masculinity and the
only way to do it is through reeducation," he said |
Jeannie explained that
she was in a violent relationship because she was used to
abuse. It was what she grew up with as a child.
"Its the same feeling I would get when I was a
little child and my father would come home from
work," she said. "It was a very familiar
feeling." |
Education is the key
to prevention. San Francisco Neighborhood Legal
Assistance is getting a state grant to teach domestic
violence prevention to boys and girls. They are going to
try to teach it in all ninth grade health classes in San
Francisco. Their philosophy is to get to the kids before
they become victims and batterers. |
Yusaf, who speaks
regularly about domestic violence prevention in the
public schools, said that she frequently has kids
approach her to talk about domestic violence in their
lives. "Sixth graders are already impacted,"
she said. "It just breaks my heart." |

violence services in San Francisco: |
Inc. |
(24 hour
hotline) 864-4722 |
Casa de las Madres |
333-1515 |
House |
255-0165 |
Womens Shelter |
751-0880 |
Attorneys Family Violence Project |
552-7550 |
Overcoming Violence |
777-4496 |
Community United |
Against Violence |